The Scream

When I slowly close my eyes
They soon fill up with tears
Bringing me back for 18 years
The scream, that hurts my ears

You were seven, when you lost your mom
So sudden, nobody could believe
How could that little, innocent life
Be hurt, by so much grief

I turned out to be my hardest task
I ever had to do
To tell you what has happened
And I didn't know how to do

I took you on my lap and hold you
And told you, mammy died
Then that horrible scream appeared
That still freightens me at night

Together we screamed out loud
Disbelieve and so much pain
Then not even realising
What life had for us remain

Now I'm sitting here 18 years later
Tears running down my skin
Our lives continued eventually
A painfull fight, so hard to win

With a smile I often think of her
In my heart she will ever stay
But that scream will never dissapear
Will hunt me till my dying day








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